Welcome to BDD

Coal Transport Solutions

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coal barging services

About Us

To be the best Indonesian integrated logistics solution provider in Southeast Asia

PT Baruna Dirga Dharma (Baruna Coal Logistics) initiated to support the process of Mining Logistics Ecosystem that focused on coal transportation by barge in order to fulfill the needs of the supply-chain activities of mining businesses including leading Indonesian coal producers and end user in Indonesia.

Baruna Coal Logistics serves coal transportation by barge that especially on domestic shipment (Transshipment and Long Towing Shipment) through its privately operates and owned sets of tugs and barges.

We strive to make your operation process efficient with high safety standard and operational excellence.

Why Choose Us



High experiences in Mining (particularly in coal mining) and Support Supply Chain Industries.

coal transportation

On Time & In Full Delivery

We are part of reputable Group Company that have been serving the country more than 20 years.

coal shipping

Health & Safety

We ensure that our services operate in healthy workplace environment and high safety standard.

Our Service

To be the leading dry-bulk logistics Company in providing Reliable dry-bulk handling and transportation

Coal Barging

We provide integrated coal transportation services to support your mining value chain (transshipment and long towing shipment)

Get Started
PT Baruna Dirga Dharma (BDD)

PT Baruna Dirga Dharma (Baruna Coal Logistics) initiated to support the process of Mining Logistics Ecosystem that focused on coal transportation by barge in order to fulfill the needs of the supply-chain activities of mining businesses including leading Indonesian coal producers and end user in Indonesia.

BDD Head Office
Gedung TMT 2, 2nd Floor
Jl. Cilandak KKO No. 1,
Jakarta 12560

sales@bdd.co.id marketing@ckb.co.id

+6221 2997 6673
+6221 2997 6672

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